attention donald miller fans
his new book comes out in october.
check it out here
that is all
The ongoing story of Jacob's Well as it unfolds in front of us.
when you check out the site (as i know you all do), be sure to go to the artists community and check out everyone's stuff. currently we have work from corey, chad, brandi, john ammons (moscow), me, and cody. lachelle is coming soon and we'd love to add others as well. check it out and enjoy.
ladies and gentlemen and the rest of us i am glad (relieved) to announce that the all (mostly, well kinda) new is ready for public consumption. there are a couple of spaces that are still "coming soon" and i'm sure some kinks to be worked out, but it's all there for you and anyone else you can think of who cares.
play around and let me know of any problems you come up with. i'm wondering about how long some of the pages may take to load so if you run into any problems, give me a head's up.
off to coach
anybody out there? don't forget community group is meeting at the church for a worknight tonight. bring gloves, goggles, demolition equipment, ladders, and anything else you can think of. see you tonight.