Friday, October 10, 2003


cody i totally hear and agree with what you are saying, but don't you also think there is an element of community that involves doing life together? like we've talked about before, we are all involved in a ton of different stories (with different levels of participation in each of them), but i'm not sure they all lead to what we are looking for when we talk about "community". jerry falwell and i are (kind of) a part of the same "christian story" and "american story" and "human story", but are we in community? (the answer is "no" if anyone has any questions)
thinking more specifically about our church. we are in the "jacob's well story" together, but does just participating in that story create community? i think what i am wondering about is what kinds of things would help us do life together even though we are spread out geographically (from edmond to norman to stillwater to moscow). i would love to hear everyone's thoughts about that angle of the community issue.
again, i think you are right about the common story, i just think for community there must be more.


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